Imagine this...a woman in her thirties walking through the grocery store sees a mighty fine piece of eye candy. She quickly walks up to him and rubs his washboard abs and exclaims "Oh my! How many crunches do you do a day?!" This, my friends, would be considered highly inappropriate.
Second scenario...a man in his thirties is walking through the grocery store when he sees a lady with a big ol' belly. He walks up to her and asks when she is due and touches her tummy. Creepy...yet somewhat acceptable (unless of course she is not expecting at all, but that is another matter altogether).
What is this about? There is something about pregnancy (and babies for that matter) that gives people a pass to ask inappropriate questions and invade personal space. I really don't get it. With my first child I came home from work everyday feeling a tad bit dirty. Clients felt the need to touch my protruding stomach every time they saw me. Was I wearing a sign broadcasting "Yes! I am still knocked up! Please please put your hands on me!"?
Granted I am pretty stingy about my personal space. It sceeves me out when people I don't know touch me. Heck! As a nursing mother, I am all done being touched by anyone around 8pm. I don't even care to have Doug in my personal space. I have been known to tell him "the Dairy Queen is now closed....please stop in again later." All that aside, I can't imagine there are many women who actually enjoy being handled during what can be a very uncomfortable time in her life.
What surprises me even more than the poor boundaries, are the completely inappropriate questions people ask. I am utterly (hee hee) shocked at the number of people who ask if Doug is disappointed that Sage is a girl. Really?! Are there people out there who would say that they wished their beautiful (or even funny looking) child were a different gender? If so, I hope they have a fund started for the therapy bills. Another question I get a lot is whether we were trying for a fourth. I am tempted to respond "Why yes! While having intercourse with my husband, we chose not to wrap his manly parts. This allowed one to slip past the goalie. Boo-ya!" Equally shocking is how disapproving some are when they find out that yes, we did indeed have another child on purpose! If we had a protection malfunction they would have understood, but to actually plan a fourth (insert gasp here)!
I have actually started turning the tables on people. When they ask if we plan on having another, I tell them that Doug needs to get in for surgery. This really makes a lot of folks squirm. The idea that my husband is having a small procedure done on his penis is far more delicate an issue than whether my child were conceived intentionally or if I pushed my ten pound baby out my hoo-ha or via c-section. I give up. I think I will just special order a onesie for Sage. It will say "Yes! My mommy and daddy made me on purpose! Yes! They really did want a fourth GIRL! Yes! Four babies completes our family! Yes! My daddy goes in for the snip snip as soon as his soccer team has a bye week! Yes! I am REAL...please don't touch me!"
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Crack Epidemic
Crack is bad anyway you look at it. When discussing the crack epidemic most are referring to the drug. Me? I'm concerned about the crack that peeks out of the back of nearly every woman's jeans today.
I remember the first time I saw a girl's thong peering out over the rim of her jeans when I was sitting at the bus stop on my way to class in college. I was slightly disturbed, as this made it all too obvious that beneath that pair of jeans there were two bare butt cheeks. At that time, I thought the only folks that had cracks hanging out of their pants were fixing sinks and toilets. As that young thong-wearing girl grew up (and the rise in her jeans did not) a new and more horrific trend emerged.
Nowadays, it seems I see at least five butt cracks a day...and I don't happen to know any plumbers. The new group of people flashing crack, I am em-bare-assed (heh heh heh) to say, is comprised of mothers.
I don't pretend to be above all of this indecent exposure. Four kids and over a decade later, I have added a good twenty pound cushion. Furthermore, I have always carried most of my excess baggage in my trunk. In an attempt to avoid becoming my mother, I have always tried to buy jeans that do not creep up over my belly button. I am starting to question my logic. I was never exposed to my mothers crack when out and about with my friends. Had I been, I cannot begin to imagine the mortification that would have followed. My nephew actually exclaims "I see a butt-ler" anytime he catches a glimpse of his mom's bum cleavage. This would suggest that he sees it enough to have a term for it. As much as I hate to admit it, my children have picked up on the term and have used it from time to time as well.
I have two pairs of comfy jeans. Both require long shirts and a good belt (and even then there are times that I cannot hide my vertical smile). I am so accustomed to wearing jeans with a low-rise, that the granny-up-to-your-belly-button jeans feel awful! I'd like to think that with diet and exercise my comfy jeans would once again become G-rated. All the same, I fear this is just good ol' wishful thinking. I'm going to try to ease my way into full coverage jeans. I bought a pair of those old lady jeans about a month ago. I still wear them much less frequently than the others, as I am holding on to the glory years (without a muffin top or love handles). Oddly enough, I have gotten quite a few compliments on my "Urkel" jeans. I've been told I look thinner when wearing those jeans. Could it be that it isn't so flattering when my spare tire is bared for the world to see?
As I become a little more embarrassing to Violet, I am more aware of the things that I do that are incredibly uncool. It is not my goal to be my kids' friend. I will always provide structure, stability and boundaries...none of which are cool in the mind of a kid. All the same, it isn't my intention to be that parent. We all remember at least one completely inappropriate parent growing up. I don't plan to be remembered by my childrens' acquaintances due to my very classy butt-baring attire. I still remember the mom that showed up to swim meets to cheer on her kids wearing pink hoop earrings with a matching bikini top, hair bows and high heels. I would rather be a vague recollection to my children's friends than a vivid memory.
A good mom would sacrifice comfy jeans for the emotional well-being of her child. A mediocre mom would do her best to hide the offending skin while in her comfy pants to the best of her abilities (knowing that it is quite likely going to be unsuccessful from time to time). Said mediocre mom would then pat herself on the back for not being the horrific mother who jiggles that sideways grin with no remorse. She might even continue to wear the grandma jeans from time to time...
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Jennifer Garner with daughter (may be subject to copyright) |
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Ain't Nothin' but Mammals
Breastfeeding was always something that kind of wigged me out in my pre-mommmy years. I mean, lets face it...I grew up with MTV. The function of the breasts seen in music videos is not to provide nourishment to infants. Attaching a baby to a body part so sexualized by the media just seemed unnatural.
Fast forward nine years, my decision to breastfeed my fourth child was the most natural thing in the world. While I don't dread the day my children are done nursing, I nursed my three older children just the same. Nursing Baby Sage seemed to be a no-brainer. What I didn't really think through were the new dynamics of our ever changing family.
Our first three children are less than four years apart. Violet and Sage are nearly 9 years different in age. Breastfeeding a new baby with a 5, 7, and 9-year-old in the house is a much different experience than breastfeeding with a toddler and a preschooler in the home. In Violet's first five years of life, I was either pregnant or breastfeeding. She knew nothing different. With my 4 year breather, the idea of nursing was not even on the radar until Baby Sage entered this world.
Nursing a newborn is not particularly discreet. When Sage was two weeks old Doug declared that when I am through nursing this child, our children have seen enough of me to last a lifetime. Violet was rather disturbed by my need to bare my breasts every other minute. Lily found breastfeeding to be absolutely hilarious and would laugh hysterically every time it was time for Sage to eat (she also managed to prolong the giggling by saying the word "breast" every few minutes). As for Ivy, she had about 500 new questions about how things worked every single time Sage latched on for a meal. In private, these things are par for the course. In public, this can be more of a sticky situation.
For example, I should be able to order food without a problem at Der Dutchman. I've been doing so for years. Typically, my children are well mannered. Now...I can't order a chicken breast without Lily saying "BREAST?! Your eating a chicken BREAST?!!!" Really?! I think the Amish chick that took our order just passed out. Example number at Target is typically a joyous time in my life. Now, I am bracing myself for Ivy to yell "if you would just shove that baby on your boob, she'd be quiet already." Of course, none of that compares to having friends of Violet's over to the house.
I am always pretty discreet about feeding the baby. I use a blanket or go to another room anytime I am around non-family members. It's just more comfortable for me. All the same, there are still often questions about what's going on under that blanket. Recently, we had a good friend of Violet's spend the night. Mia always fits right into the household anytime she comes over. She plays well with all of the kids, and she's just a fun kid to be around. Somehow for the first two months of Sage's life, Mia never noticed the blanket or my sudden need to leave the room. When Violet told her I was in my room feeding the baby, so she was going to give me privacy, Mia was confused.
Of course, I know nothing of this confusion, as I am in another room which means my nine-year-old decides to school her friend. The next day she tells me that Mia had never heard of breastfeeding before and was somewhat horrified when Violet "explained" how things work. Mia told Violet that her aunt had a baby and she sure as heck never "let her baby suck on her boob!" Great! I cannot wait to talk to her parents about this one. Of course, this is the same little girl that Lily decided to educate about a baby's entrance into the world. [Dr. Daddy decided that the appropriate explanation for a 4, 6, and 8 year old curious about how Mommy was going to get the baby out of her belly was that a "baby comes head first out of the vulva." I don't even know where to begin there. I did ask that he direct the kids to me if ever they ask how babies are made.]
All the same, Mia's dad is a nurse, so I figured they might still let their child hang with ours if I just make a quick call to inform them of Mia's recent lesson on breastfeeding. Unfortunately, Mia's parents were already well aware of the situation by the time I talked to them. Nurse Daddy had already explained that humans are mammals, which means their bodies are equipped to feed their babies just as any other mammal. To clear up further questions, there was discussion about hormones and the changes in nipples, and Heaven knows what else. Needless to say, the idea that getting pregnant means that a big old baby is going to exit the body head first out the vulva and your nipples are going to change to allow babies to get milk by sucking on your breast has convinced at least one of the children in that family that there is no way on this Earth she is ever going to get pregnant.
Nothing like being the weird hippie mom that scares the children into abstinence. I think I need to go snack on some fruits and nuts (it's the Mammalian way of motherhood).
Saturday, January 14, 2012
When a woman first finds out she is
pregnant, a lot of things swim through her head. I remember my first
reaction quite clearly. Number one, I am having a baby (mush
mush). Number two, what the hell have I gotten myself into (push push).
Number three, how in the f*** am I going to stop cursing in nine short
With a bit of work, I was able to limit my four letter words to adult time only
by the time Violet was three months old. Of course I substituted PG
phrases, but what's the harm really? I first caught glimpse of the harm
when my friend and I were hanging out a few years back. Her two year old
at the time shouted out "Oh Crap!" I actually gasped at the
expression as if I had never heard such offensive language in my life.
Who'da thunk crap would sound so bad.
Trying to learn from my excellent
friend's experience, I watched my every word around the kids.
"Crap" was nowhere to be found in my vocabulary.
S***, f*** and d*** were way off limits.
Earlier this week, Lily asked me if we
were "flippin' late again?!" Deep sigh. Looking back at
all of the things Violet has spewed since the word "dada" first
emerged, I can't imagine what kind of landslide I have in store for me with
Lily. Let see, with Violet we had "hey mom, this water is freakin'
hot," "are you just going to let that freakin' baby cry,"
"I'm not going into the bathtub with that fool," and to our new
neighbors..."our dog is freakin' crazy."
I was so proud of myself for eliminating
the word "freakin'," not even realizing that I had replaced it with
"flippin'." Should I try to redeem myself with baby Ivy, or
just hand-pick her offensive term? I could try "friggin'“or give her
a bit of a British flair with "blasted." At least then I won't
be so surprised when my beautiful baby girl's mouth matches her cute little
sailor dress.
I can see it now...Matt Lauer asks my
kids what they think about their mommy being named MOTHER OF THE YEAR!
Violet says, "There is no mom out there freakin' better than
my mom!" Lily says, "Yeah, she's the flippin' best!"
Ivy wraps it up with one word..."fool!" I guess I ought
to find myself a new goal in life.
The Golden Baby (2008)
I sit here, slightly roasted due to a lack of sunscreen on my shoulders, wondering how it is possible that I can successfully lather up all three children (four including my nephew), but manage to miss at least one spot on myself. Could it be karma?
Yesterday, I found myself quite distracted by Ivy's perpetual path of destruction. I seemed to be one step behind her all day. I was rolling with it. Hell, I didn't even notice that I was cleaning up mess after mess. Then came 4:32 pm (I don't really know the exact time, but it does make me sound a little more attentive doesn't it)? I was vacuuming up the dirt from Doug's orange tree that Ivy found to be great decoration the kitchen floor. It was really no big deal. I was smiling to myself because I know that Doug truly believes that this twig will eventually bear fruit for us to enjoy. Then Violet yells "Mommy! Ivy has your lotion!"
Now in most cases it is not a huge crisis to find your child sitting at the kitchen table, covered in half a bottle of lotion. But your heart really starts to race when that lotion is a lotion with a hint of self-tanner. Visions of my baby's skin streaked in bright carrot orange raced through my head. I scrub her body with baby wipes, consider calling poison control, then come to my senses. My husband, who happens to be a family doctor, had warned me to keep my lotion up and out of the way just the day before--clearly the kitchen table is now within her reach. I didn't want to call him, but figured the kids would tell him as soon as he walked in, so I figured I'd rather tell him via telephone. After the dial of shame, I threw her in the shower and scrubbed her down some more.
Luckily the crisis was averted. There is no evidence of any artificial tan on the child. Funny enough, I think Ivy's encounter with my lotion is the closest thing to a homegrown orange we will find in this house!
P as in Poop (2008)
I must admit I have used the
"mommy brain" excuse more than once in the past five years.
There are times that it truly feels as though my IQ has been halved. So
why does some research suggest that motherhood actually makes you
smarter? How could that be? Do I just have a warped view of my
former life or is it something altogether different?
My theory is that I have
temporarily shut off the part of my brain that allows me to say intelligent
things. The capacity to think is still there. I just have to
use my brain for other purposes at this point. One day, I will flip the
switch and blossom into a GENIUS!
This temporary shutdown became
abundantly clear when I made a complete ass of myself on the telephone.
We are looking into refinancing our home and the gentleman helping us out was
attempting to give me his e-mail address. I wasn't sure if I heard him
right, so naturally I read the address back to him..."m as in mom, p as in
poop..." I kid you not, I said "p as in poop" as if that
was the association any normal human being would make. Then I start
laughing so hard I thought I was going to p as in pee.
I don't know which is worse;
the notion that this man believes that I am a moron or that he believes I am a
complete nut job. If only I could shut off the part of the brain that
cares about what other people think.
O Tannenbaum (published in Tickled Pink)
The day we caught glimpse of
our home's great room, my husband immediately began to dream about the
Christmas trees we would set there in the future. I knew at that moment,
there was no way for me to truly imagine what I had in store for myself.
As usual, I was right.
Christmas 2006 was our
first in the house. Doug was almost as pumped about the tree
in our future as he was about the birth of our third child. He actually
went out to buy the tree a week before Ivy was born. Of course he decided
it was too early to drag the honkin' tree in our house, so it sat next to our
house. Two days after the purchase, the wind really picked up and the
tree ripped the drainpipe off of the side of our house when it fell. My
friend Jolie, who is all of 4'11'' showed up and attempted to prop it back
up. Well, the tree was twice her size, so she came in to the house to ask
for my assistance. Ha! I was lucky to walk without grunting.
There was no way that we would be getting that tree up. Without the help
of my neighbor that thing would have stayed on the ground...with our drainpipe
until Doug made his way home.
Ivy was born on the night of
December 7th. Twenty-four hours, and very few minutes later, Doug, Ivy
and I were headed home. Little did I know what Doug's plans were for our
first day home. Forty-eight hours after the birth of sweet baby Ivy, I
was sitting on the couch (no doubt wincing as my infant was gnawing on me in an
attempt to get nourishment) watching our ten foot tall decorated Christmas
tree. I thought to myself..."is this bizarre or am I just
hormonal?" After Christmas 2007, I can answer that with no
When buzz about the new Sams
tree began, I figured we would undoubtedly be seeing another 10
footer. Next thing I knew, Doug had his nurses calling around town
for an 18 foot Christmas tree. It only took Doug a day to decide
that would be too big. He said that he would need to find something
smaller, as our ceilings were only 18 feet high. I, however, believe that
he got a good old fashioned case of sticker shock and decided that $350
delievered was too much. A couple days later, his nurse had found him a
$75, 14 foot Christmas tree out in Sunbury...just a short 45 minute trip.
At this point I just kept my
mouth shut. I am not going to be the one to ruin his fun. I figure,
I will just let him deal with this monster tree. It wasn't until the tree
farm called to ask if we still wanted the tree (as it was originally the a
nearby city’s tree), that I began to sweat this whole idea. Doug
immediately became manic. He gets to have the city’s town square tree in
his home?!? It was apparent that he was not going to be calm until he had
the tree in our house. He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and asked
if he could go get it. Of course I tell him to go ahead, but I wasn't
going to be tagging along.
Images of Clark Griswold were
dancing in my head as he headed out with Violet and Lily. He had to
assure me about 3000 times that the kids would be safe with the 14-foot tree
tied to the top of the mini-van despite the torrential downpour. Sure
enough 2 hours later, I still had a family of five with the addition of one
ridiculously large Christmas tree.
It took my dad and Doug to get
the tied up tree through the front door. It took my dad, Doug, 4-year-old
Violet and I to get the soaking wet tree into the great room without permanently
damaging my carpet (Violet assisted by holding a blanket beneath Godzilla, as
we drug it). The kids were higher than three kids after a birthday
party. In addition to that my mom was being a complete Grinch, so I sent
my mom to give them a bath so we could attempt to get the tree in the
stand. Luckily the three of us were able to raise the tree fairly easily
and the kids survived the bath despite the fact that I had to ask my mother to
stop leaving them unattended. She was just so impressed by my one-year-old's
ability to go under the water without crying and she was really curious about
the tree...she couldn't help herself.
Later that night, Doug came to
me a said he was surprised that I wasn't more upset about the tree.
Upset? Where would that get me? He then went on to admit that the
tree was a bit ridiculous. All I could do was laugh, pop some popcorn,
sit on the couch, and wait for Doug to start decorating. My, was that
entertainment! After two nights of Doug throwing lights, Doug standing on
the second to last rung of the ladder holding a 3 foot long stick to hang
ornaments, Violet, Lily, and Ivy all trying to help during waking hours,
we had a fully decorated Christmas tree. Of course our puny star was a
bit crooked, but I wasn't going to say anything. It added character.
At this point, my only
rule was that Doug use the shop vac to clean up needles. 2006’s 10
foot tree broke the vacuum cleaner and permanently marked our white carpet, so
I thought that it would only be reasonable to give the new vacuum cleaner a
month-long vacation from the great room. Doug agreed, so the month of
December went rather smoothly.
I must admit, the tree was
beautiful and it was amusing to witness the expressions of children and adults
alike that came to visit our tree. Even the pizza man said it was the
biggest tree he had ever seen inside a house. Little kids were awed by
the sight of the tree. Violet was excited to know that she would be able
to see the top of the tree if she just climbed to the top of the stairs.
It wasn't even difficult for Doug to get the tree out of the house. He
and a friend cut off the branches until about 7 feet from the ground, and then
they easily walked it out the front door. The mess of needles wasn't so
bad. It only took an hour or so with the shop vac (no stains this
time). I am not sure that is a good thing. Secretly, I was hoping
that the tree would be such a pain in the rear to haul out that Doug would
never want to do it again. As Christmas season approaches, I can’t help
but wonder what to expect of 2008’s treescapades.
My Joey (2008)
is no secret among friends that I would like to lose the rest of the weight I
gained during my three pregnancies. Really it is more about being fit and
looking toned that is important to me. So, I decided I need to just use
my gym’s childcare so I could work out. I finally got my rear in gear and
I headed to the gym with my friend Jolie to help free the joey from the pouch
that is permanently attached to my body.
was good. I don’t love the treadmill, but who does? I did some
free-weights to help firm the old lady arm flab that seemed to be a part of the
package deal when I purchased my minivan. Then I went to the machines.
I was already worried about the machines, despite the endless number of times I
used machines at my last gym. Still I attempted to look like I knew
exactly what I was doing. Of course that doesn’t often work for me when I
am clueless. I ended up asking a boneheaded question that left my looking
like a complete dunce.
Oh it gets better. I saw a guy that helps me out from time to time when I teach the toddler gym class. I knew he was a trainer and was ready to pick his brain. I wanted to know how the hell I was going to get the joey to flee the pouch. He went on to say that there was no particular exercise. Rather, I just need to "lose the weight." Okay, I wasn’t feeling like a lard butt that day until this moment. Embarrassed, I let him know that I am technically in my healthy weight range. He quickly put me in my place and let me know that my muscle to fat range is clearly not. Dang! I wonder why he isn’t married...I think I need a brownie sundae.
My Humps (2008)
Why is it that working mothers and stay at home mothers always seem to be dueling over who has it better? Recently a woman wrote a letter to the editor of Parenting magazine because she didn't understand why stay at home moms were voted the population that most deserved a cup of joe. She didn't understand why they needed it more than working moms. Give me a break! Just because I deserve a cup o' joe doesn't mean that my job is harder. There are benefits and drawbacks to both working and staying at home. Maybe we mothers ought to stop beating each other up, eh?
I know that I am very lucky to
be able to stay at home with my kids, but there are certain times that I really
do envy the working mother. If you need to run into a store to pick up
one item on the way home from work, it can be done in mere minutes. With
children, that simple task may take an hour. If you need to go to a
doctor's appointment, you schedule some time off at work and go see your
doctor. Last week I learned firsthand just how difficult such a simple
task can be.
When my babysitter cancelled
with less than 24 hours notice before my appointment with the breast surgeon,
panic raced though my entire body. About 10 phone calls later, I realized
my fate. The kids were coming with me. My husband scoffed at my
panic. "You'll be wearing a paper gown," he says.
On the way to the office, I
kept reminding myself that things could be a million times worse. The
lump in my breast today is my third. The first was removed when I
was 20 and was benign. That was a huge relief, but I would be lying
if I said I didn't nearly vomit when I first unveiled franken-boob. The
second was removed when I was 7 months pregnant with Violet. It too was
benign, and there were no complications with my pregnancy despite the
surgery. I found this lump when I first became pregnant with Ivy.
After a needle aspiration and core biopsy, the surgeon determined that this
lump was also benign and decided it was safe to wait and see if it needed to be
removed. I have been going back to the surgeon over the past two years to
keep an eye on it, but on this very day I was sure that this visit would be my
last. At my ultrasound prior to the visit, my lump had decreased in size
by over 60%. How can I complain?
Now, I have a tendency to
forget at least one Mommy thing. For this appointment however, I was
OVER-prepared. I had toys, food, coloring books...the works! My
thought was maybe I could lure their eyes away from my examination. I
also talked to Violet for a couple minutes about what the doctor was going to
do. She asks if she can watch. Hmmm...I am all about being open
with my kids, but COME ON! In my best Mommy voice I ask her if she likes
privacy when she is naked or if she likes it when people watch. She
agreed to a little privacy.
In the ten minutes we all spent
in the waiting room, patient after patient observed and commented on the fact
that I had my hands full. I politely nodded, thinking to myself NO CRAP!
I thought the nurse's eyes were going to pop out of her head when she saw the
herd of children following me into the examination room. I ignored this,
hoping that I would be able to delude myself into believing that this happens every
Violet giggles as I undress
from the waist up. I try to bribe her to refrain from laughing by
promising the girls my pink paper shirt if they behaved during the visit.
What could be more appealing than a patient examination gown right?
In walks my breast
surgeon. She laughs uncomfortably when she sees the girls. I am
thinking to myself...YOU are uncomfortable? She makes small talk and lets
me know that my ultrasound showed great improvement. She went on to say
that this would be my last visit. I was hoping she would turn and walk
away, but no such luck.
You know what rocks about male
doctors that work in women's health? They are discrete. In my
experience, the women docs…not so much. There I lay bare-chested while
the good doc does what seems to be the longest breast exam of all time. Lily
and Ivy play quietly. They could really care less about what was going
on. Violet on the other hand had her chin to the floor. She was
trying not to watch, but it was like a train wreck. She couldn't help
herself. Poor child is probably scarred for life.
The days where I hang out at
the zoo with my kids, or spend the day laughing and playing princess are the
days that working mothers have it waaaaaaaaay harder. On this day, I have
them beat hands down. Where is my flippin' cup o' joe?
Man…I feel like a Woman (Published in Tickled Pink)
love the annual GYN appointment, eh? I went to see a new doctor today.
My husband referred me to him. I know...weird already. When I
meet the man, he says "so we have a Sams here!" Double
weird. I also notice that he does not meet my normal "ugly old
guy" criteria and make a mental note to give Doug crap for sending me to a
hot gynecologist. I don’t know why that weirds me out, but it does.
Thank God the man meets his new patients fully clothed in his office
first. We take a break from the abnormal and talk normal GYN smack talk.
That’s the end of normal.
Moments later he asks me if I have any problems with incontinence. I would much rather have this conversation with my unattractive wrinkly doctor. Having an 8, 9 and 10 pound baby did do some damage to my bladder, but I let him know that I was fine as long as I didn’t wait until I needed to pee really bad. Even then, it was like a drip not a gush! That was not good enough for him. He suggests physical therapy.
go into the examination room and strip down. I am sitting there naked
twiddling my thumbs when Shania Twain’s "I Feel Like a Woman" starts
playing. I of course laugh out loud, hoping no one is near my door to
hear. The hot doc walks in to a classic Chicago love song. I swear
I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
Moments later he asks me if I have any problems with incontinence. I would much rather have this conversation with my unattractive wrinkly doctor. Having an 8, 9 and 10 pound baby did do some damage to my bladder, but I let him know that I was fine as long as I didn’t wait until I needed to pee really bad. Even then, it was like a drip not a gush! That was not good enough for him. He suggests physical therapy.
this some sort of joke?!? Only I would need physical therapy for my hoo
ha. Why does this kind of thing happen to me? When I told Doug about the
referral, he said he wasn’t surprised because Dr. McNotOldOrUgly specializes in
pelvic floor problems. I’ve decided Doug has been noticing a new
post-pregnancy aroma. I plan to get rid of any of my friends that thought
I smelled like piss and failed to fill me in!
Guitar Hero: The Crime (published in Tickled Pink)
I always wondered about baby 911 calls. I mean, what are the odds that your baby
accidently hit 911? Well, I learned the
hard way this past weekend. I was
testing out my new Guitar Hero game while Ivy was sitting on the couch next to
me. Doug was in the house at the time,
so I could justify my half-way parenting moment.
On my third try at a particularly frustrating song, Ivy kept
grabbing the phone off the table. I
finally took it away for good. As I was
turning the phone off, I scolded her for messing with the phone, as it was
interrupting my oh so important game.
About ten seconds later I was speaking to the good ol’ PD. When they asked if everything was alright,
it didn’t really sink in that they were calling per our request. It was only after I responded with a very
confused yes, that she informed me that they received a 911 hang up call from
my house. Mortified, I told her it must
have been my one-year-old, as I had just taken the phone from her.
It might be paranoia, but I could swear the woman did not
believe me. She sent someone over “just
in case.” How I wished I had gotten
dressed already, but there was no time to worry about that. I had to hide the guitar! I would hate for Doug to know that the cops
were coming by for a visit because I couldn’t tear myself away from my new and
very fun video game. Furthermore, I
wouldn’t want the cop to think that I am one of those mothers (you know, one of
those that I apparently am).
As I was quickly tidying up, Violet asked what was going
on. I told her that the police were
coming over because Ivy had dialed 911.
Almost immediately I realized mistake.
Three-year-old Lily’s bottom lip was quivering and it was nearly
contorted into a Popeye-like expression when she asked if the police man was
coming to take Ivy away to jail. I
quickly assured her that police officers don’t take babies when the doorbell
I tried to convince the officer that everything was alright
while he was standing on my doorstep, but it was clear that he would feel
better if I invited him in. So there I
stood…tye-dye t-shirt, pj pants, and three girls lined up in a row, wide-eyed
and quieter than I had heard them in days.
We just stood there until I broke the silence by saying, “see girls…the
police man does not want to take your baby to jail for accidently calling
911.” I am not sure if he left because
he believed everything was okay, or if he was afraid one of the girls might ask
him to take her baby sister with him…if only for a day. He didn’t look like the diaper duty kind of
officer. He bolted out of here right
Needless to say, Mommy only plays her Wii in the wee hours
of the night now.
Flubber (2007)
Recently Lily's
preschool teacher let us take home the flubber that they played with at school
today. For some reason I was feeling hesitant, but Miss Kim
assured me that flubber (very similar to silly putty) is much cleaner than
play-doh. Heh! My kids had it in their hair and ground into their
clothes. That, of course in their minds, meant that the clothes had to
come off. I didn't really care. My only rule is that they stay away
from the windows when they are gorillas (their new description of naked
life). I realize this is no easy feat in our house, but I would still
consider that rule more than fair. Seconds later, I hear 4-year-old Violet
saying "Look Lily…I made a vulva!" Can you tell she is the
child of a doctor and a counselor? I
look up to find her sitting on the flubber, making quite the impression.
I was speechless...and tired. I don't think Miss Kim will want her
flubber back. Our gorilla rule may be changing soon.
Bon-bons and soap operas (2007)
Wouldn't it be nice if you
could have just one day with bon-bons and soap operas? I am sure there
was a time that I too believed that was the work of a stay at home mom. I
know there are believers, as I am sure there are some moms that may fit the
bill. I, on the other hand, cannot imagine that life.
In preparing for my husband’s
office party, I decided to get the house cleaned by a professional. I
figured it may lighten my load a bit and more importantly, it may give me the
opportunity to relax a bit. Five and a half hours and a wad of cash
later, the first floor and the stairs of my home were clean. In reality,
it didn't really lighten the load much and I only relaxed for a couple of
minutes. All the same, I was looking at a cleaner house than it would
have been otherwise.
I'll admit, I felt slightly
insecure about my lack of housekeeping skills, but that didn't put a damper on
my wonderful mood. My living area was completely clean. I really
couldn't imagine feeling anything but joy. In exactly one hour, I had
plans to go shopping with a friend for something to wear to the party.
What could top a day with my girls and some time to myself?
Moments later, as I was
watching my girls jumping on the couch cushions they had spewed throughout the
living room, I couldn't help but wish there was some possible way for Calgon to
take me away. Why did I feel compelled to order the fam a pizza
online? Why did I leave my five-year old, Violet, and three year old, Lily,
alone in my living room singing Hannah Montana at the top of their lungs?
A little more supervision would have prevented the destruction of my bliss.
I wouldn't trade my life for
anything. In a recent Parenting
magazine, over 50% of those polled didn't see a problem with hiring a full time
nanny or sending your child to day care if you are a stay at home
mom. Getting help with housework, I can relate to.
Getting a babysitter for a couple hours a week, I can absolutely understand.
But after one day bon-bons and soap operas, I would be anxious to go back to my
life of feather boas and Polly Pockets. I would be more than ready
after that one glorious day.
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