Why is it that working mothers and stay at home mothers always seem to be dueling over who has it better? Recently a woman wrote a letter to the editor of Parenting magazine because she didn't understand why stay at home moms were voted the population that most deserved a cup of joe. She didn't understand why they needed it more than working moms. Give me a break! Just because I deserve a cup o' joe doesn't mean that my job is harder. There are benefits and drawbacks to both working and staying at home. Maybe we mothers ought to stop beating each other up, eh?
I know that I am very lucky to
be able to stay at home with my kids, but there are certain times that I really
do envy the working mother. If you need to run into a store to pick up
one item on the way home from work, it can be done in mere minutes. With
children, that simple task may take an hour. If you need to go to a
doctor's appointment, you schedule some time off at work and go see your
doctor. Last week I learned firsthand just how difficult such a simple
task can be.
When my babysitter cancelled
with less than 24 hours notice before my appointment with the breast surgeon,
panic raced though my entire body. About 10 phone calls later, I realized
my fate. The kids were coming with me. My husband scoffed at my
panic. "You'll be wearing a paper gown," he says.
On the way to the office, I
kept reminding myself that things could be a million times worse. The
lump in my breast today is my third. The first was removed when I
was 20 and was benign. That was a huge relief, but I would be lying
if I said I didn't nearly vomit when I first unveiled franken-boob. The
second was removed when I was 7 months pregnant with Violet. It too was
benign, and there were no complications with my pregnancy despite the
surgery. I found this lump when I first became pregnant with Ivy.
After a needle aspiration and core biopsy, the surgeon determined that this
lump was also benign and decided it was safe to wait and see if it needed to be
removed. I have been going back to the surgeon over the past two years to
keep an eye on it, but on this very day I was sure that this visit would be my
last. At my ultrasound prior to the visit, my lump had decreased in size
by over 60%. How can I complain?
Now, I have a tendency to
forget at least one Mommy thing. For this appointment however, I was
OVER-prepared. I had toys, food, coloring books...the works! My
thought was maybe I could lure their eyes away from my examination. I
also talked to Violet for a couple minutes about what the doctor was going to
do. She asks if she can watch. Hmmm...I am all about being open
with my kids, but COME ON! In my best Mommy voice I ask her if she likes
privacy when she is naked or if she likes it when people watch. She
agreed to a little privacy.
In the ten minutes we all spent
in the waiting room, patient after patient observed and commented on the fact
that I had my hands full. I politely nodded, thinking to myself NO CRAP!
I thought the nurse's eyes were going to pop out of her head when she saw the
herd of children following me into the examination room. I ignored this,
hoping that I would be able to delude myself into believing that this happens every
Violet giggles as I undress
from the waist up. I try to bribe her to refrain from laughing by
promising the girls my pink paper shirt if they behaved during the visit.
What could be more appealing than a patient examination gown right?
In walks my breast
surgeon. She laughs uncomfortably when she sees the girls. I am
thinking to myself...YOU are uncomfortable? She makes small talk and lets
me know that my ultrasound showed great improvement. She went on to say
that this would be my last visit. I was hoping she would turn and walk
away, but no such luck.
You know what rocks about male
doctors that work in women's health? They are discrete. In my
experience, the women docs…not so much. There I lay bare-chested while
the good doc does what seems to be the longest breast exam of all time. Lily
and Ivy play quietly. They could really care less about what was going
on. Violet on the other hand had her chin to the floor. She was
trying not to watch, but it was like a train wreck. She couldn't help
herself. Poor child is probably scarred for life.
The days where I hang out at
the zoo with my kids, or spend the day laughing and playing princess are the
days that working mothers have it waaaaaaaaay harder. On this day, I have
them beat hands down. Where is my flippin' cup o' joe?
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